Aegean Archaeology
Senior Researcher (RTDb)
Salvatore Vitale is an Assistant Professor in Aegean Archaeology (RTDb, Civiltà Egee). He completed his MA in Classical Literature and PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University of Pisa in 2001 and 2007. After his PhD, Salvatore Vitale held post-doctoral research fellowships at the Universities of Calabria and Cincinnati, as well as a fellowship (Borsa di Perfezionamento) at the Italian Archaeological School at Athens. In 2020, he obtained the habilitation as an Associate Professor for Archaeology (10/A1) in the Italian academic system (ASN). The main research focus of Salvatore Vitale lies in the Final Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Early Iron Age of the Aegean. He is particularly interested in ceramics and chronology; landscape, built environment, and spatial analysis; processes of cultural interaction and identity formation; and archeological theory, with an emphasis on Aegean societies and politics during the Minoan and Mycenaean Palatial periods. Since 2009, Salvatore Vitale has been the director of the “Serraglio, Eleona, and Langada Archaeological Project” (SELAP), a research endeavor under the auspices of the Italian Archaeological School at Athens. Since 2018, together with Calla McNamee, Salvatore Vitale is also a co-director and a field director for the team of external archaeologists that collaborate in the “Еπιϕανειακή Έρευνα στο νησί της Κω - Kos Archaeological Survey Project” (KASP), a project of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Dodecanese, directed by Maria Michailidou in collaboration with Toula Marketou. Since 2006 and 2015 respectively, Salvatore Vitale has also been a senior staff member in the Mitrou Archaeological Project (MAP) in Phthiotida and the Palace of Nestor Excavations (PONEX) at Pylos. Co- directed by Aleydis Van de Moortel and †Eleni Zahou (2004-2021) and by Aleydis Van de Moortel and Euthymia Karantzali (2021-present), MAP is a synergasia between the University of Tennessee and the Ephorate of Phthiotida and Evrytania, under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA). Within MAP, Salvatore Vitale is the principal investigator for the study of Late Helladic IIA to Late Helladic IIIB ceramics. Co-directed by Sharon Stocker and Jack Davis (2015-present), PONEX is a project of the University of Cincinnati under the auspices of ASCSA. Within PONEX, Salvatore Vitale directs the research team conducting the study of Bronze Age ceramics.