Research and post-doctoral fellow
Susanne Töpfer has been the curator responsible for the papyrus collection in the Museo Egizio since 2017. Graduating from Leipzig University in 2007, she subsequently obtained a PhD in Egyptology at Heidelberg University in 2013. Before joining the Museo Egizio, Susanne worked as a research assistant at the Egyptian Museum in Leipzig and on the ‘Book of the Dead Project’ at the University of Bonn (2007-2010). As a research and post-doctoral fellow at Heidelberg University (2010-2017) she edited various magical, lexical, and ritual texts from ancient Egypt and produced various publications on these topics. Susanne is lecturer at Pisa University (collaboration) for hieratic since 2019 and since 2020 among the members of ANVUR's Third Mission Evaluation Expert Group (VQR 2015-2019).